Am I a mummy or baby. Could I be both?

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Posted by Jan on March 01, 2009 at 09:52 []

Ever since I was 14 or 15 and first found out about ABs on the internet I assumed myself to be one – I love babyish things, and have accumulated quite a collection of pacifiers, bottles, diapers and babyish clothes such as footed sleepers, onesies and shortalls. I have as such always dreamed and fantasized about finding a daddy, and being babied and allowed to play out my baby girl side.

However, I have recently found myself fantasising about my boyfriend (who doesn’t really know about my AB side, and has no interest in playing out any sort of ageplay games with me) as baby, and me as Mummy. He is often in bed with a bad back, and I love taking care of him and looking after him almost as a child.

Whereas previously my fantasies involved myself suddenly becoming a bedwetter or becoming incontinent, resulting in a true need to wear nappies eventually leading to my babying by my said boyfriend, now my fantasies often play out the opposite, in which he becomes a true wetter who needs diapers, and in turn grows to want to be babied by me.

I have never had an opportunity to play, with another person, either the role of baby or Mummy outside of the fantasy within my own head, and so I guess I cannot really be sure which I would prefer – in my own time it is easy to dress in a diaper and sleeper and suck on a pacifier, and I suppose would be much more difficult to privately play out the role of Mummy, and so perhaps that is why it has only recently come to me.

I guess what I am wondering is are these roles, of Mummy (or daddy) and baby, interchangeable to anybody here? Or was there a time when you weren’t sure which you wanted, and did you since find out? In my case I always assumed myself to be AB, but suddenly the role of Mummy appeals to me. Do you think this could be that as I’m getting older (I’m 22 now) my more maternal side has started to kick in? I am still interested in the baby role as well, which makes it all the more confusing.

I also wonder if anybody is, or has been, in a relationship in which the baby/caregiver roles were interchangeable. And did this work for you? Ideally I think I would like to be in a relationship in which I could baby half of the time we choose to ageplay, and mummy the other, but do you think this could work? Particularly do you think this could work with somebody who already saw themselves as an AB or Daddy in the firstplace (for example someone met over the forum) rather than somebody who I introduced to the fetish.

I would be interested in any insight anybody could give me into this,

Many thank,



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