Re: Am I a mummy or baby. Could I be both?

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Posted by manchesterdaddy on March 01, 2009 at 14:16 []

In Reply to: Am I a mummy or baby. Could I be both? posted by Jan on March 01, 2009 at 09:52

I think its probably not that uncommon to have feelings both for wanting to wear and for wanting to make someone else wear a nappy. I do think people are either mostly a mummy/daddy or the one in nappies! You probably just need to try things out to find out where your interests mainly lie. Things are much more likely to work out with someone already into the fetish than someone you introduce - getting a vanilla person to accept you have an interest in nappies is difficult, getting them to wear is extremely difficult (I suspect this will probably be more difficult to get a boy into a nappy than a girl but I don't have experience that way round!).

I'm a daddy but have worn nappies in the past myself. If you are in the UK and want to chat my e-mail is


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