Posted by Jack on September 26, 2004 at 08:07 []
I was chatting to a 'girl' who was a diaperlover who i met on DPF chat.
She added me to msn messenger and got all friendly---- but over friendly-- saying she wanted to meet up soon as she lived only 1 mile from my house[a bit of luck].
Then after months of talking online she aranged to meet up, up v strangely wouldn't give out her picture or mobile phone number in case she didn't arrive on time.
But i got a description of what she looked like.
I went down to meet her at her chosen location-- I waited and waited and she never fucking turned up.
Next day i was back online chatting to her and said 'what happened' and she came out with some bullshit that she had to go somewhere alse-- but why didn't she want to ring me then to let me know she couldn't make it????
Well she arranged another meet up and gave out her mobile number-- but it was a bloody fake number i later found out.
And she didn't turn up again! Wasted fucking money and time ;(
So i told her to fuck off and stop pissing me around or i'd put her on block on msn-- but she went NO don't put me on block. Well after her not turning up twice, giving out a false number and constantly chagning her stories and lying i got v abusive back to her calling her all the names under the sun and she came out with some disturbing shit that she hated DL's and was only teasing me, which made me v mad and i gave her some threatning e-mails back and then blocked her.
So i come to the fact whether 'she' was male or female, it was a fucking chatroom troll----- some moron trying to trick people and be a fucking time waster and tease by upsetting them.
So i'm very pissed off and probably won't want to meet up with anyone online again, because this is not the first person whos done this to me online ;(
For all i could know 'she' could be a sick man--- i wonder now she 'she' didn't want to speak 2 me.