Posted by BabyChris on September 05, 2004 at 22:59 []
I wonder if I am the only one frustrated about this
For four years, I have been searching, and wanting to meet an AB girl. I have talked to a few, but they are either usually marrried, have problems, or have boyfriends. I'm just tired of feeling alone and not having a girlfriend that I can share my life with.
I'm also beginning to wonder if there is even anyone out there for me. I don't dare bring the fetish up with a gril, I've tried it before and it failed miserable, much like my HS carrer, because my ex-girlfriend didn't understand our community or anything about it. Even after I explained it all to her
It has been hard on me lately because I'm 28, single and have a lot of love to give to an AB girl, but there are assholes that drive them away because they hound and hound girls. I don't do that, because I was raised to treat people with respect.
I know this has been bought up before, but I'm frustrated, angry and depressed right now because I feel so Goddamned alone. I just wish I could meet one straight AB girl who would give me a chance. I'm tired of the lonliness, and the pain and heartache of being alone.
I know I sound like I am whining, but I am just very frustrated right now.
P.S. It seems so damn helpless to meet an AB girl because of the assholes online. I'm not an asshole, I'm someone who treats people with respect