Posted by Anonymous Oldtimer on September 28, 2000 at 07:13
As an "old timer" on this board, I don't stop in a lot anymore except to check to see who's on and what's up. I'm wondering how many other old timers have stuck around and can share a few memories about our early expectations of the internet with regards to watersports. I hope the following post doesn't sound hopeless or depressing because it isn't meant to be. Just an observation and a "where-do-we-go-from-here" question.
Remember when we discovered the internet and that there was a place for watersports fans? I'm still grateful for the net and my connection to others, but remember when we thought it was going to be THE answer for our watersports needs? I was STOKED! Oh yeah! Anonymity to seek my utmost desires through! There were so many options!
First, I found the "newsgroups" (news, sure...). I posted ads all over hell looking for that hot, buxom blonde who loved to piss her pants but was too embarassed to tell anyone and would confess her heart out over the net. And then someday maybe we'd talk in person and... you get the picture. Then I found out, at least in those days (1992) women didn't use the internet...
Then came email. Oh, lovely email! Maybe we could meet a great woman who was into this and converse thru email until we maybe had a chance to meet and talk in person! More ads went up at the newsgroups and my newly discovered message posting boards (anyone remember Alori's?) Heh heh... well, maybe that wasn't the answer. I've had a few brief conversations through email but nothing of substance and more than a few "females" turn out to be advertisers. Live and learn.
Then ICQ opened up, along with things like Yahoo pager and AIM. Here was the key! Just post your alias or ICQ# and the women would come flocking to discuss in real-time this fetish that obsesses us! Or browser through the areas of interests and SURELY you'd find a woman that shared our thoughts! ...or maybe not. If there WAS a woman out there, you know she'd be overwhelmed 100 to 1 by us horny piss-pigs so what would be the chances of hearing from her among all the messages and email she was getting? And if you do talk to someone, you find out there's not all that much to talk about unless you're going to actually do it and you instead end up with those users you've talked to still appearing on your contact list each time you boot up ICQ or Yahoo Pager (like a reminder of a bad date) and you'll see them log on and then off real quick when they realize you're on and maybe lurking for someone to talk to! Hahaha! ...ok, that wasn't the answer, either.
And then came Netmeeting and reeeealy fast connections. Wooohooo! Yah, baby! Me and some other woman are going to pee our pants in unison over the net! ...uh, yeah... now there's what a woman wants to see... A net-geek sneaking around, humiliated so much by his pants-wetting fetish that he's resorted to doing it over a web-cam from his parents basement at 3am (hey, remember to hide those old pizza boxes and Coke cans, zit-boy). So again, the net fails us in meeting people.
Not that I'm angry, mind you. Just amused by our original expectations of the internet. Yes, everyone of every type is out there (including our pee-dream girls!) but so far the best way of finding what we need seems to be the same as before: You have to make the effort and meet people in person. Women don't like guys who can't be direct, I guess.
Any thoughts from others? Am I totally off-base?