Posted by wetfan on September 14, 2000 at 21:52
In Reply to: Question for the computer savy posted by whatever on September 13, 2000 at 22:22
Considering the amount of money lost each year to employees messing around on the net or playing online games, employers are really getting serious with this.
Where I work people have been fired for surfing. And I'm not just talking about adult sites either, one guy was fired for visiting a Christian chat room. It's not so much where you visit, it's that you're using the companies time and resources.
However also considering how PC we're getting nowadays, visiting an adult site is probabaly 10 times as likely to get you canned.
A good rule of thumb for work is do not visit a single site you wouldn't want to explain to your boss or have everyone in the company knowing you've gone too. Gossip at work is the second biggest time waster. =)
As has been mentioned, save up for a computer of your own where you're far saver.
Take care