Posted by Sarah on January 22, 2000 at 09:41
I have a question that I've always been wondering why to, so if you're a guy, please answer this. When you have to pee, why do you shift around when your sitting down? I mean, how does that help? Why can't you just sit still because that will be sitting on his dick and will help him hold it in. Or you can just sit down and squeeze your dick. When you do squeeze your dick, why do you do it in intervals, instead of just leaving your hand there. Wouldn't that keep it closed for longer?
Also, what are some obvious signs of someone that has to go bad for a guy, like what do you do when you get quite desperate. Do you cross your legs, squeeze your thighs, or what?
Please answer these, I am VERY interested because I'm a girl and there's not a lot of male desperation sites out there.