Posted by infoman on January 16, 2000 at 00:19
You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him
the name Jesus.
Luke 1:31
Have you ever noticed that when you search back through your life for a
description of who you are, you never go back prior to your birth? You
may even answer the question posed with a description of your birth
place or hometown--but you never go back further than the moment of your
birth. You always answer the question, "Who are you?" with things that
transpired after your birth.
Some people say Jesus became a god. Some people go so far as to say
Jesus became God. Both have it backwards. God became Jesus. The Son part
of God became flesh for a little while to walk among men, and He took
the name Jesus.
We should never speak of God's Son in the past tense; He never was; He
always is. We can accurately speak of the actions and behavior of the
earthly Jesus in the past tense, since he was a person who physically
walked the earth during our history--and He no longer physically walks
the earth. But the God who indwelt that human form always is.
Seeds of Encouragement
Copyright 1996 David S. Lampel. All rights reserved.