Posted by delurker on January 16, 2000 at 16:37
In Reply to: Re: so that's how it works posted by karla on January 16, 2000 at 13:37
Hi Karla,
I submit the following piece in humility - not passing judgement on anyone nor asking for any. I sincerely hope that it provides some food for thought and maybe even an answer or two (pls forgive the lengthy reply).
I've been into wetting as long as - if not longer than I've been a committed Christian (almost 30 years!). I've also had doubts on many issues. When I am uncertain - I get back to some basic facts.
Fact #1. Christianity is a relationship thing. Also it's intensely personal - just between you and God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit. Sure - Other people influence, behaviours, understandings and perceptions (like ministers, pastors, etc). But the essential bit is between the two of you.
Fact #2. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit loves YOU and ME just as we are - unconditionally, all the time. That means, when I'm sitting here in a puddle with sopping wet/sticky undies on - if Jesus walked into my room - He would say "I love you. I love you so much, I died so I could take you to heaven"(Christians believe there's no other way). "I want to become your most intimate friend - follow me".
Fact #3. God is perfect. We aren't. It's not just the stuff we do (or don't do) it is the condition into which we were born. The whole world is imperfect. Adam and Eve horsed it up for us.That means there is NOTHING we can DO to make ourselves perfect.
Okay, so what now. If, having given it thought, you decide that christianity IS the way to go - tell Him! That's all He's asking. Say, "I know I'm falling short of perfection. I know too that having made this decision, I'm not going to be suddenly perfect. But, I'm going to be on this earth maybe for the next 60 years - maybe only tonight! After which there's eternety - to reflect upon my decision. But I devote the rest of my life to get closer to You. I believe that as I learn more about You, through reading the Bible, we will get closer, and I believe You will help me with what's right and what's wrong - FOR ME! I am willing (with Your help) to turn away from whatever you tell me. However, TODAY is the most important day - and that's what I will care about.Am I closer to You today than I was yesterday?"
Karla, from what I know, there's no clear instruction about wetting anywhere in the Bible.
So, when there's an element of uncertainty, I have opted to attempt to discern God's principles first and then see whether a particular deed or thought is right or wrong. This concept, coupled with a very active relationship with God - through Christ - should keep me close to Him. Remember, a relationship is a two-way thing - If you want to get closer to Him, He will get closer to you.
There's so much more to tell - but i don't want to make you or anyone else reading this feel uncomfortable. Therefore, if you want to know more, please mail me. I will happily share with those who want to know.