Why do we continue to bicker on this board??

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Posted by timmy on January 04, 1999 at 23:25

Every day people are calling each other out for:
A) missrepresantaion of gender
B) fake stories
C) stuff somepeople don't like

And then the arguments begin. I have a tip for everyone, and I have been doing it for two years on this board. We are all adults here (suposedly) I think we are all capeable of reading a paragraph or two and deciding if it is true or not, or if it offends us or not. If I read a post I don't belive or don't like, I move on. I don't call out the poster, I don't editorilize, I just go on. If some one belives in something let them belive it. Attacking a post here that somebody may belive or wants to belive is like telling a 4 year old there is no Santa Claus. I have read posts here and said thats bull shit and moved on. Why must we destroy other peoples fantasy by being the Siskel and Ebert of the Message Board. This is a board for people to discuss feelings, sometimes feelings are expressed in peoples fantasies. Fr crying out loud people this is not the Bible, a history book, or even the six O'clock News it is a fourm that a lot of people use to feel good about themselves in a world that dosn't usually support our interests. I think we should be supportive of each other, or at least not critical of each other. If you don't like some ones style fine make that descion, but why publically humilliate someone over it. My Momma once told me " if you can't say any thing nice, don't say any thing at all" Stop the petty bickering, make this board fun agin. Hallalulia, Holy Shit, wheres the Tylonol.


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