Posted by Tracker on December 29, 1998 at 15:04
Hi all,
I just witnessed a new pee scene on the German station Pro 7, I was with a friend as we just channel hopped on Satelite, and as soon as I hit this station I paused as I knew the typical sort of "this person is about to piss themselves" view. It was a bunch of men and women soldiers in a truck of some type and they were all very nervous, I had no idea what was happening as I just hopped to it. Well because my friend is oblivious to the fact I have an interest in these things meant I had to change channel soon (as a German talking movie is little interest to all but Germans). Actually the movie was dubbed, but from what language I don't know. This female soldier pissed herself and you could see the pee running under her boots (she was pretty too).
I need to know what it is called, and if anyone has it then please please do me a copy and I will make it worth your while (I have loads of other pee realted stuff to exchange). As you can tell I am an avid female pee scene collector, so this has to be added to my collection. It was on at 9.30pm, so the movie probably started at about 9pm or something (UK time). Can anyone who has Satelite TV Europe or something let me know the title ? There could be a free video to anyone who even just tells me the name of it (yep I am that sad and desperate). Hopefully soon when I have collected every female pee scene, and toilet scene, I will make a collage video and trade with people.
Thanks for your time, and please let me know if you know,