Re: Are Our Numbers Increasing?

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Posted by AZMark on December 16, 1998 at 21:12

In Reply to: Re: Are Our Numbers Increasing? posted by Lloyd on December 16, 1998 at 13:57

Okay, Lloyd, have it your way. I hereby reply. :-)

Sure we can agree to disagree. But I still don't understand the propriety of your premise it's better to "promote" what may not be correct to attract more newbies. The notion that "promoting a negative attitude is going to slow down the incidence of newbies delurking" may not even be valid.

Further, it seems to me that a bigger danger runs on this board (and affects me personally at times) that gives the illusion that we ARE a bigger minority than we may truly be. This tends to manifest itself in ways that embolden some of us to do those very things that, in your words, may cause the mainstream to think we are "a tiny and very dangerous collection of sexual misfits." That's all.

As for your personal attack, "If it pleases you to believe that we are a tiny and unimportant or inconsiderable minority, so be it," shame on you for putting words in my mouth. I have come to know through our exchange, that you are better than that.

After all, this is a purely philosphical discussion, isn't it? (Oops. Someting tells me you're still going to get the last word on this one.)


- M


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