Posted by Terry on December 06, 1998 at 20:29
In Reply to: Once the Dam Breaks it Breaks.. posted by Burst 2 Go on December 05, 1998 at 20:17
I was just talking about that this afternoon in the back yard of a bar here in San Francisco, with a guy from LA who's also into pissing his jeans. It seems to be a common experience, the thing you're talking about. Years ago when I was in college, I heard people theorize that alcoholic beverages lower the production of something in the body that inhibits urine production, so that after a few drinks the "governor" is kaput, as it were, as you start putting out like crazy. Maybe so, but that doesn't exactly answer your question. The questions isn't just why we put out more piss after a few drinks, it's why after the first, long-delayed whizz we have to go again every twenty minutes or so -- more often on a good night. The only thing I can figure is that the muscles controlling urination get so tired the first time around, they start sending distress signals right away as the bladder refills -- like, "Shit, man, I just went through this and I'm tired, I don't want to work any more." Maybe the full explanation is tired muscles plus increased output. In my experience, though, it doesn't matter what I've been drinking. I've tanked up on water and then gone out walking around town, shopping or whatever, and let the pressure build up till I pissed my jeans on the street, and I've had the same experience -- after holding it to the breaking point, having to go again in a big way every few minutes. So I'm thinking it has to do more with tired muscles than with the content of the drink.