Posted by Havelock on May 10, 2001 at 08:49
In Reply to: Fan Hysteria Wetting posted by David Miller on May 09, 2001 at 15:34
Hello, David-you've brought up a topic that is dear to my heart! I too have often wished for a systematic study of girls and women wetting at concerts. Just recently I read a book on the Beach Boys, whose father Murry Wilson managed the group (in the mid-'60's). On the group's first tour of England, the book describes how Wilson was bragging about all the girls who were peeing their pants at his son's shows. Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has been quoted in several interviews describing how many girls (mostly aged 12-18) would "get too excited" and pee in their seats during the group's shows. He even described the intense smell of urine in the air after a Stones concert. I don't doubt that the Beatles and other groups had the same thing happen! When I see footage of girls at concerts, I always think that there must be a good number out there with desperately full bladders!
I've come across many accounts of concert desperation on the web, for instance one girl's website talked about a Tori Amos concert which she descibed as "great, except that I had to pee for the whole two hours." Also found several accounts of girls talking about being desperate to pee at N'Sync shows. The best way to find accounts like these is to type in something like "concert pee" in a search engine-you're likely to find some interesting stuff!