Posted by Poopyone on October 29, 2000 at 04:03
Hey all!
I just wanted to tell you about a new fiber laxative called "Fiber Choice", It comes in these orange flavored chewable tablets that are very tasty and come in a sugar-free variety.
The recommended dosage is two tablets a day but being the adventurous type, I decided to eat about 12 of the sugar free tablets at once followed by a 1 liter bottle of water, about 3 hours later I started to get a lot of gas and it seemed like the more I farted, the more gas there was. Then it happened, I went to push out what seemed like another high volume, very smelly fart and ended up filling my underpants with diarrhea! It was so hot and slippery and voluminous that it creeped up my butt crack and oozed out over the top of the waistband of my once white Jockey pouch undies, I then let nature take it's course and filled the front of my undies as well. this made me so horney, I masturbated to a most satifying orgasm and then just sat around enjoying the feeling of the poop in my pants as well as the smell. clean-up was very easy as everything just rinsed down the shower drain with no problem and there was very little odor left on me after I cleaned myself up.
I give it two thumbs up and a must try.