
Melodies Of Happiness |
I feel happy listening to my favorite song as I do my favorite thing - wetting and messing my diaper!
Do you like my cute little outfit? I like it a lot, with a big pink bow and poppers between my legs. Naughty little girls like me need those poppers for diaper changes, and there's lots of those every day. Today I'm feeling happy, listening to my favorite song as I do my favorite thing - wetting and messing myself! It's definitely my number one thing, as it makes me feel so little, naughty and horny all at the same time. I start by wetting myself - a big long pee into my diaper, so hot as it swirls around my pussy, runs down between my legs and soaks my bottom. And then it's time to be dirty! It's time to mess myself! With my pussy bathed in hot pee, just the thought of what's about to come gets me very aroused.
And then it's time to be dirty! With my pussy bathed in hot pee, just the thought of doing it gets me very aroused!
I push as hard as I can, and fill up the back of my diaper with a big smelly poop. I love that I'm all smelly, so that it's obvious what I've done. Daddy can tell without even checking that I've been a dirty little girl again. It was an accident, I promise! I know I'm too old to be messing myself, but I can't help it. You do believe me don't do? 😉 Mmm, it feels so good! I need to play with my bulging diaper for a while. Then I want to show it to you - I want you to see why I'm so smelly. Oh look - there's a huge poop in my diaper - who would have thought? How could a little girl like me do such a big poop? Then I get dressed again and wait there all dirty and smelly until someone comes to change me.
Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.
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CODE: 7412
Price: US$11.95
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