
Out Of Hand |
When you need to go, sometimes you just gotta hang up, or... you might just end up wetting and shitting yourself!
Ever been put on hold or had someone who won't stop talking? She just wouldn't get off the phone, and I was desperate to pee and poop. I tried my best to both end the call and hold on as long as I could. But it was no use. Once the pee started soaking into my blue jeans, it didn't matter anymore - I just let go - piss and poop exploding into my jeans - both my panties and jeans were completely soaked and plastered with the dirty brown mess! I was in one of the biggest messes I've ever been in. I slumped to the floor in a dirty wet heap as I tried to keep talking. I wonder what she thought was happening with all my sighs, moans and groans!
With my jeans down to my knees, by ass, legs and jeans looked like a modern art masterpiece - study in brown & blue!!
Eventually I just dropped the phone, still huffing and puffing, and surveyed the mess between my legs. Now the damage was done, I thought "what the hell", lifted myself up a bit and pushed out more piss and shit! A steady brown stream flowed to the floor, and then I let my ass just drop heavily into the puddle. And when I stood up, the back of my jeans had a huge wet patch, stained brown in many places. When I pulled them down to my knees, by ass, legs and jeans looked like a modern art masterpiece- study in brown & blue!!
Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.
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