
Dinner Is Ready Daddy |
I've done dinner for you Daddy, but I've done something naughty & smelly too!
I'm a good little girl cos I sometimes make dinner for Daddy. He always says he likes it, even if I think he doesn't, cos he knows I'm trying. This time though, when I reached up to look in the top cupboard, I found a diaper that I had forgotten I hid there. Daddy wants me to be a big girl, and not need diapers, but I like them! That's why I hide them through the house. When I held it, and smelled it and pressed it to my face, I knew exactly what I wanted to do - I wanted to put it on and be naughty and dirty and mess myself!
I took off my shorts & panties, and diapered myself sitting on the bench. Then I pushed hard & messed myself!
I took off my shorts & panties, then hopped up onto the kitchen bench and sat on the open diaper. I couldn't help being naughty and doing a little pee, but what I really wanted was to poop myself. So I put the diaper on, stood on the floor leaning against the bench, pushed hard and filled my diaper. I had a quick look at my mess and then put my panties and shorts back on. I should have gone back to cooking, but I wanted to play first. I got up on the kitchen bench again, suspending myself in the air with my hands, and then dropped my bottom down hard on my poopy mess!
With my diaper filled, I suspended myself over the kitchen bench and then let my bottom drop down hard on the mess!
Then I wanted to feel the squishy diaper through my shorts, and I pushed super hard again and filled my diaper even more! Then I pressed the diaper really hard between my legs until I felt all tingly. I couldn't resist another look at the mess, so I pulled my pants down to my knees and opened the diaper to see what was inside. Feeling all pleased with myself and happy with what I'd done, I put the diaper back on and pulled up my pants. I could have played in my messy diaper some more, but Daddy was hungry and I needed to finish cooking. It was much more fun though to cook dinner with a dirty diaper on under my shorts!
Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.
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