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Today I was very happily coloring a picture, wrapped up in my nice thick diaper. I love to be able to just wet when ever I feel like it, and when I need to go this time, I open my legs really wide so you can get a nice look at the peepee soaking through my diaper and changing it's color from white to a more dirty yellow color.
As I'm enjoying the warmth of my wet diaper across my bottom, "Daddy" comes in and tells me to go get my shoes on - we're going shopping.
I run to my room to fetch my shoes and as I bend down to pick them up, I notice how visible my soggy diaper is under my little skirt. I try to pull it down to cover the bottom of my diaper, but this just reveals the top of it. I then have an idea! I can hide my diaper under a pair of panties! Picking up some panties I step in to them and pull them up over my diapered bottom. I look back in the mirror, but my panties hardly cover any of my diaper! I take them off and try a different pair, but it's still not working. I then decide that I'll just take my diaper off all together and just wear panties - I don't want everyone to look at me and laugh while we're shopping!
I pull my wet diaper off and slip in to a pair of soft cotton panties, pull my shoes on, then head back out to tell daddy I'm ready. Unfortunately "Daddy" taps my bottom on my way past him, and notices right away that something just isn't right. He tells me to lift up my skirt, I lift it up a tiny bit, just enough for him to see the top of my leg, but he insists I pull it up higher. When "Daddy" sees I've taken my diaper off, he's not pleased at all. I tell him how embarrassing it is when I know everyone can see my diaper, but he says he doesn't care. He then tells me to go lay down on the floor while he goes to get another diaper. When "Daddy" comes back in, he's not carrying one diaper, but the whole packet. He pulls of my panties and tells me to lift my bottom up. He slides the diaper under me and does the tapes up tightly at the sides. I roll over to get up, but he pulls me back - "Daddy's" not finished with me yet!
He tells me that because I made such a big deal about someone 'maybe' noticing I had a diaper on, he's going to make sure that everyone can see and there will be no mistaking what I'm wearing!
I beg "Daddy" no, and tell him I'll keep my diaper on like a good girl, but he's not listing and proceeds to put one diaper on after another until my bottom is looking HUGE wrapped in 4 diapers! He then tells me to go look in the mirror. I'm totally humiliated knowing that every person I pass is going to look at me in my diapers!
"Daddy" tells me to hurry and we head out shopping!