When Katie pulled her last diaper out of the pack to wear to bed, she had no idea of the predicament she would be in in the morning. She'd woken up in a big wet patch despite being diapered, and as she rolled out of her pee soaked bed she regretted the long warm wee she'd taken in her diaper before she went to sleep.
Katie usually makes sure she takes her last wee of the night before she changes out of her old diaper and in to her night time diaper, but there's something about falling asleep in a still warm pee soaked diaper that makes her sleep so much better.
Katie gets cleaned up and dressed and then looks for the diapers that she'd asked her boyfriend to pick up for her last night. She looks around her room, but the familiar package is no where to be seen. Katie begins to search harder as she feels the need to pee grow stronger. Picking things up from her floor and pushing things around she grows more frantic. Where the hell has he put them!
Giving up the search and more desperate than ever, Katie sits on her bed and calls him. Katie bounces up and down on the bed and crosses her legs as she asks him where the diapers are and tells him how desperate she is to go pee. When Katie's boyfriend announces that he forgot to pick up the diapers, Katie's desperation instantly grows. He tells her that he'll pick her some up on the way home from work and that she should use the bathroom until then. Katey flatly refuses! She tells him that she doesn't even remember the last time she used the bathroom and that she'd just wait for him to get home. Sighing, he hangs up the phone, leaving Katie to wriggle and squirm some more.
Katie is overly optimistic and tells you sure she can hold on till he comes home for lunch, even though all the while she's pressing between her legs and fidgeting. She then asks you who she's kidding and that she wont be able to hold on 3 minutes longer, let alone 3 hours! Katie's whole body literally trembles in desperation as she tries to figure out what to do.
Stop stressing out and relax is Katie's answer! She stands in front of you, takes a few deep breaths and tells her self to relax. As she does so, we see a wet patch appear on her jeans that very quickly spreads down her thighs! Pee runs down both her legs soaking her jeans!
Left in a soggy mess, Katie picks up a bath towel from her floor and diapers herself with it. It's better than nothing right!
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