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"I need to do a poopy - I can feel it wanting to come out. Should I ask to have my diaper taken off so I can use the potty? I know I really should cos I'm only supposed to do pee pee in my diaper. I'm supposed to do poopy like a big girl. But... it would feel so nice if I could just do it in my diaper like a baby instead! What if it was an accident and I couldn't help it? No one would ever know!"
What does a naughty girl do when she really wants to dirty herself, but doesn't want anyone to see what she's doing? She HIDES! Nikki sneaks off to her room, checking and double checking that the coast is clear, before hiding down between her crib and the closet. Then feeling safe in her hiding place she happily fills her diaper with a big smelly poop, loving every second of being a dirty baby girl.
"I'm definitely no stranger to the idea of hiding myself away to dirty myself, whether it's in my pants or a diaper. Sometimes it was under the stairs, but more often than not it was in my room. Hidden away from prying eyes I could thoroughly enjoy myself, delighting in the feeling of my diaper filling up with the warm messy load."
Nikki loves being a dirty baby girl, and in this movie she is just that. See just how babyish her bedroom looks, with her baby blanket and her crib full of toys. Watch as she plays with her toys on the floor in her smelly full diaper - happy and content and just loving the feeling of what she's done.