I jammed my fingers between my legs and felt the warmth as my panties filled & expanded around them!
With my back to you, I jammed my fingers tightly between my legs and kept them there as I started to shit myself. My panties slowly filled and bulged, expanding around my fingers, and I could feel the sexy warmth all over my butt and also on my hand. My panties bulged so much that the poop began to escape through the leg holes, first down the back of one leg, and later down the other one too. I didn't have a top on, just a short pink skirt, so I could easily play with my hard, excited nipples - every time I touched them I felt a rush of arousal in my pussy and through my whole body.
Feeling totally satisfied with myself for what I've just done, it's time to make sure you're satisfied too!
Don't you just love that feeling of satisfaction when you've filled your panties? I always feel so happy and pleased with myself. I feel horny and sexy too, knowing I've just been a dirty girl, even though I shouldn't have - I did it cos I wanted to and cos I needed to! So it's time to make sure that you're satisfied too - time to tease you with my huge dirty bulge, touch it, squish it, show it off to you from all angles and in close up too. I want your cock to be as hard as my clit - I want it out of your pants and in your hand - I want you to marvel at my bulge and cum!
Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.