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  Dirty Memories

Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
CODE: 7033
Price: US$8.95

 Running Time:   7:36 
 Movie clip format:   MP4 

Available in Download Only: 
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Cande Wet Dreams

I thought about her white panties under
her uniform as I pooped my diaper & masturbated!

For as long as I can remember I've always been fascinated by other girls' panties, and wanting to catch a glimpse of them. Are they clean? Do they have any wet or dirty stains like mine always did? Did they still wear diapers at night like me? Wet or dirty panties might suggest they did. When I first learned to masturbate it was with thoughts like these filling my head, and when I got to the part where I saw a friend's panties under skirt and they were dirty - that's when I'd cum!

And nothing has changed since then. I recently had an exchange partner from England, and it was my job to look after her. She was beautiful, with dark hair, and I loved how she walked up the school stairs. I loved how her hips swayed, revealing white panties under her uniform. Were they clean? I so desperately wanted to get a better look to see if they were dirty. She's gone now, but here I am on the blanket she gave me as a gift, filling my head with thoughts of her.

But that's not all I'm filling - I'm gonna fill my diaper as I think about her. I imagine seeing her pee and poop stained panties under her skirt - I imagine us exchanging panties, and giving each other knowing looks as we see both are dirty - I imagine her sitting on my face in her dirty panties - I imagine her wearing diapers and everything naughty and dirty about her I can think of! As I go through these thoughts about her, I become excited and shit myself - and then I have to masturbate until I cum!

Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.

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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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Dirty Memories
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