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  Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined

Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
CODE: 7017
Price: US$15.99

 Running Time:   16:20 
 Movie clip format:   MP4 

Available in Download Only: 
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Poopy Panther

I filled my blue denim jeans with a huge poop,
and then happily soaked myself with my hot piss!

Ahhh - what total sexual bliss! I did a massive poop in my blue denim jeans and then happily stood there and pissed myself, soaking my jeans completely and utterly. Can you just imagine how it felt to be standing there with that big poop bulging in the back of my jeans, stretching out the denim, nestled snugly between my ass cheeks - and then on top of that, to wet myself with total abandon. I can assure you that behind that front zipper was one VERY excited and swollen pussy!

I love pooping in jeans. I love the extra resistance and the push back that you don't wet with panties. I love how I have to push harder and I love how the poop spreads sideways over my ass. But I did create a NICE BIG POOP BULGE in the back, big enough that anyone who looked would know I had shit myself. Then combined with very noticeable dark pee stains spreading from my crotch, there could be no doubt that this naughty little girl had had one hell of an accident!

So what does a naughty girl in poopy pissed soaked jeans do?
She enjoys herself of course, her pussy aching with arousal!

So what to do next in my poop filled and pee soaked jeans? Well enjoy myself of course, and show off the nice big poop bulge to you. I wanted to squish it, and most of all to sit on it and slide back and forwards. I wanted to spread it as far as possible - down my legs, over my ass and through between my legs to my pussy. I wanted my hard clit to rub against the denim. Some naughty girls just loving having their pussy and clit covered in poop!

And I wanted the brown poopy stain to work it's way through the thick denim material to be noticeable on the outside too. Inside was obviously a total mess, but I wanted some of that to be on the outside too. And I think I was quite successful. You can clearly see some brown stains. And the smell excited me too. It excited me to know what a naughty dirty little girl I was. It wasn't me I said to myself - I'm a big girl now - I don't have accidents anymore!

Movie available in high quality MP4 & Windows Media ZIP files and streaming MP4.

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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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Jeans Wet, Messy & Ruined
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