
Toilet-Bad, Panties-Good ! ;) |
From the start I never liked using the toilet or potty, especially the toilet. To be honest, I think was scared of it!
Right from the start I never liked using the toilet or potty, especially the toilet. To be honest, I think was scared of it, scared of falling in and scared of the loud flushing. And it didn't take long for scary to equal bad in my mind. The toilet was bad and I didn't want to use it, simple as that. What I did want to do of course was do it in my panties instead - and I did!
I did it so often in my panties that I grew to like it, a lot! I could just wet or poop whenever I felt like it, no need to stop what I was doing. And there was always someone to change me. And even when I was made to change myself, I still kept doing it. But more than that, I really liked the feeling of wetting and pooping myself. So while toilets were bad, panties were soon equated in my mind with good. 'Toilet bad, panties good' became my mantra!
What I wanted of course was to do it in my panties 'Toilet bad, panties good' became my mantra!
And the older I got, the more I liked it. I had to become more secretive though, and would often go into the toilet, which in our house was just a small room with only the toilet in it, and close the door. Wanna know what else was closed? The toilet lid! I'd stand there in front of the toilet with my skirt up and just do it all in my panties - both pissing and pooping.
Then I'd masturbate! Sometimes I did it standing up, and other times I'd sit down on the closed toilet lid and squash the poop against my ass, then spread my legs apart and play with myself. I made a puddle on the floor of course, and often a brown stain on the toilet seat, but both were easily wiped up with toilet paper and flushed away. So join me as I relive my misspent youth!
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