Daddy? I've had an accident. I've wet myself! Daddy? I've had another accident. I've done a poop in my panties!
A movie of me just doing what I love most - being a naughty little girl - wetting myself and filling my panties. 🙂 I've always done it and I've always loved it and I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. And I've never cared who knew I still did it when I was a big girl, and I still don't. There was something exciting I never understood about waddling into the kitchen to announce I needed my panties changed again!
But what no one knew was that my accidents were mostly not accidents at all, and the real excitement happened in secret moments before. The real excitement happened when I deliberately chose not to use the toilet and did it in my panties instead. This is what I want to share with you today - the sweet and lovely joy of classic panty pooping and wetting - my eternal love!
See every inch of poop slide into my soft white panties Watch them fill, watch them bulge, watch me get excited!
It starts as always with a few drops of pee in my panties, soon turning into a hot flood running down my legs. I'm soaking wet and loving it. But then I want to be dirty too and fill my panties with poop. Watch every inch of the poop sliding into my soft white panties - watch them fill, watch them bulge, watch me get excited. Watch carefully and don't miss my pussy 😉
I've done it again guys - and I need my panties changed again! I'm all wet and poopy and smelly. You just watched me do it, so you know you know you need to find me some clean panties. You can clean my bottom too if you like. I know you'll enjoy watching me do what I love most - yeah, classic never dies ! 🙂
Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.
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