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  It's So Damn Sexy!

It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
CODE: 6626
Price: US$9.99

 Running Time:   7:29 
 Movie clip format:   MP4 

Available in Download Only: 
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Even before I learned to masturbate
wetting & pooping myself was total bliss!

Even before I discovered the joys of masturbation and sex, wetting and pooping myself were always a source of total bliss - the warmth of the hot piss rushing into my panties, spreading, running down my legs or underneath me as I lay in bed. It sent a shiver of excitement through my whole body. And filling my panties with poop was even better - the warm messy lump growing between my ass cheeks, swelling into a big bulge as it stretched my little panties. Mmmm!

It was this blissful feeling of course that lead me to discover how to masturbate, and what feeling horny was all about. There is a direct line of cause and effect, so that now my whole sexuality is linked forever to those original heavenly feelings I got from wetting and messing myself as a little girl. Now when I do it I feel so damn sexy - I gotta touch my horny pussy and masturbate hard as I piss and poop myself.

Now it feels so damn sexy to touch myself
& masturbate while I wet and poop my panties. All in one!

So watch me today as I combine the three awesome feelings in one - wetting myself, pooping myself and masturbating myself! All in one total pleasure! First watch the piss spurt through the material of my panties, and then soak all the way through so they glisten in the light. Then watch me mess myself with a poop so big and pointy, you can even see in the bulge how there's daylight showing through gap between my bum and clothes ;) Or maybe you will see a little of my wet pussy this time (^_^)

Watch in close up as I fonldle the sexy bulge protruding under my skirt from between my thighs with my hands. But I want more! I want to sit down on the poop load, wriggle back and forwards and feel it all over my bum. I want to put my hand between my thighs and squeeze them together. I want to shake my dirty ass in front of you.

But I really just want to be that naughty little girl again - the one who discovered that wetting, pooping, masturbation and orgasms are really just all part of the same wonderful sexy thing!

Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.


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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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It's So Damn Sexy!
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