Rabbit and Bunny fight to the death and the loser gets to go to heaven - in my panties!
I've always liked games of all kinds. When I was little my Daddy bought me a NES console and my favorite game was Mortal Combat. Maybe not very suitable for a little girl, but I was good at it and could even always beat my brother LoL :D But I liked girly games too, and of course naughty games which involved being wet or dirty in my bed and panties were my favorite!
I obviously still love playing naughty games, but I also still like the others too. When I got the urge today to be naughty, I thought about some of the other games I used to play when I was little, so I decided to combine them and make a new game. I wanna play my own version of Mortal Combat, and combine it with my favorite game of all time - pooping myself! Shall we play? Yup!
Mortally wounded, I gently placed him in my panties & then pooped myself with a huge warm load all over him!
My fighters will be fluffy rabbit and plush bunny, and they have to fight to the death. Who will win and who will lose? In this game, losing is maybe even better than winning, because the loser gets to go to heaven... in my panties. He gets to be a part of the big poopy bulge I want to make in my panties. He's gonna get covered in my hot dirty load and smeared into it and scrunched up inside it! What a pleasant way to die after the fight! (^_^)
I was so excited when I put him in my panties, knowing what I was going to do. Even though mortally wounded, I'm sure he was excited too. Would you like to be in my panties when I fill them? Another fun game would be to zap you with my magic ray gun and make you tiny - then put you in my panties and do a huge dirty load right on top of you. You would smother to death in my mess, but just think how wonderful your last cum would be! LOL.
Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.
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