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  Dirty Diaper Bondage

Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
CODE: VM-1194
Price: US$9.95

 Running Time:   18:09 mins 
 Movie clip format:   MP4 

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I fall asleep & wake up on the bed bound & diapered!

I fell asleep on the couch and woke to find myself in a diaper on the bed fully bound and unable to move. It wasn't wholly unexpected that this would happen at some time, as it's been a long time fantasy of mine to be bound and diapered and have no choice but to wet or poop myself, whether I wanted to or not. The reason it had taken so long to fulfill this fantasy it that I wanted to do it just right, and have it feel as real as possible. And of course I had to get my boyfriend on side too.

When I wake up I imagine that I have no idea where I am or what's happening, and my boyfriend is playing the part of the mysterious stranger, talking in a creepy voice, who has done this to me. He's quite convincing, and it doesn't take long for me to fall into my part of the fantasy. I pull at the straps that are binding me, and plead to be released, and express my amazement that I'm wearing a baby diaper.

I tell him that I need to use the bathroom, and that's when I find out the reason for the diaper. I can't believe it! I tell him that I couldn't possibly use the diaper, but he won't listen. Next thing I know I've got a pacifier in my mouth, and I'm being transformed into a baby! I continue to struggle and cry out, but his only response is to encourage me to let my poop go in the diaper.

Although I struggle and cry...
just check out the color of my pussy at the end!

Finally I have no choice. It's humiliating and embarrassing, but I can't stop the poop from totally filling my diaper. He massages the dirty poop bulge in the diaper and tells me what a good girl I am, and then explains that I'll have to be changed. He starts to make all the preparations for changing me, and there's nothing I can do about it except struggle and squirm and making whining noises around the pacifier.

He massages the poopy bulge again, getting the mess all over my bottom. I shake my head to say I don't want to be changed, but I can see it's going to be inevitable. He says I'm his baby now, and he's going to take care of me, clean me, feed me and change me. Finally he undoes the diaper, exposing the big mess I made, but it also exposes how pink my pussy is! Do you think I have have secretly enjoyed my naughty fantasy!

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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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Dirty Diaper Bondage
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