On my hands & knees I filled my diaper with a huge poop!
About an hour before, I had been standing in the lounge room and I wet my pants. I just didn't want to go to the bathroom, so I let it all go in my panties and run down my legs. It felt wonderful, as usual, but I had left a puddle on the wooden floor. I stayed in my wet panties for a while and masturbated on my bed, and then decided to change into a diaper before cleaning up. Which is just as well, as I soon found out that I needed to poop!
I couldn't leave the pee puddle on the floor with my Mom due home soon, so I wiped it all up with an old towel. I had nearly finished, and was just going back over it for a final clean when I felt the urge to poop coming on. Maybe it was all the bending over with my bum up in the air, but whatever the reason, I could feel the end of the poop pushing against my bum hole.
I had already avoided using the big girl toilet once today, and since I was wearing a diaper, I was about to do it again! And maybe I'd get to cum for a second time too! A diapered bottom + naughty little girl + needing to poop = only one outcome... a big bulge and a dirty bottom!
Only one way this could end - a bulging diaper & a dirty bottom!
So on my hands and knees on the floor I began to push. My breathing got faster and heavier as the poop started to fill my diaper, and the arousal I felt in my bum hole spread through between my legs to my pussy and clit. The poop kept coming, forming a perfect mound in the back of my diaper. Mmmm. I just love the feeling of my diaper filling up so much, and how warm it feels between my bum cheeks.
Just do it naughty girl... you've got a diaper on... poop yourself like a baby... no one will know... just push and let it happen... you know you want to!!
Oh and I did want to - I always do! And I wanted to touch the bulge and mash it too. Soon it wasn't just the feeling of arousal moving forwards from by bum hole, it was the load of poop too, pushed through between my legs to my aching clit. Don't you just love that feeling of the poop spreading through your diaper? I know you do, and so do I!
With my diaper feeling lovely and full, I finished the last final wipe of the floor. What a perfect way to end a perfect day - I'd wet my panties, pooped my diaper, cum twice, and no one was any the wiser - except you of course!
Movie available in high quality MP4, Windows Media and streaming MP4 for phones.
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