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  Jessie Regresses

Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
CODE: VC-585
Price: US$9.95

 Running Time:   19:36 mins 

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Jessie is taking a special potion that Danni gave her. Danni said it will make her regress. Jessie loves playing baby, so what fun it will be to feel like a real baby again! She drinks the whole bottle.

Pretty soon Jessie is starting to feel very funny. She feels so strange she has to sit down! Maybe she shouldn't have drunk the whole bottle! She climbs onto the bed, thinking that she might feel a little better after a nap.

As she curls up on the blanket, Jessie slips her thumb into her mouth. Danni comes in, and seeing Jessie there sucking her thumb, she realises the potion has worked! She pops a pacifier into Jessie's mouth and checks the bed beneath her - Luckily Jessie hasn't wet it!

Even though Jessie is dry, Danni doesn't want to risk it. She takes a nice new diaper from the dresser and slips it under Jessie's bottom. Totally in baby-mode, Jessie coos as Danni does the diaper up rightly around her hips.

Diapered snugly, Jessie plays with her toys, drinks some water from her bottle and scoots around in her puffy little diaper. Finally, she feels like she needs to pee-pee. She lets it flow into her diaper, completely flooding it. You can see the wetness spreading out through the diaper as Jessie relaxes. The warm pee feels so nice, but as it starts to cool, baby Jessie begins to cry! She wants her Mommy to come, take this wet diaper off and put a nice fresh one on! Laying on the bed, she whimpers and calls to her Mommy squishing the wet diaper between her legs.

Finally Danni comes in to change her baby girl. She takes off the soaked diaper and puts a nice new one on, then tucks Jessie in, giving her a goodnight kiss.

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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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Jessie Regresses
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