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Daisy's out on the porch having a smoke and she's accidentally let the door close. Now she's locked out with a full bladder and she's gotta shit really bad! She tries to hold it, but soon she's got piss streaming down the legs of her pale blue jeans.
A few wet, squelchy farts escape as she tenses her asshole, trying to keep it in. She steps from one leg to the other but it doesn't stop little squirts of runny shit from escaping into her tight jeans. She sits down and more comes out. "I've got diarrhea in my pants! What the fuck am I going to do?"
When she crosses her legs you can see the shitty brown stain on the back of her pants. She pulls her jeans down and as she does, a bit more of her runny shit pours right out of her ass onto the porch! Her ass is coated with filthy, stinking mess and anyone who walks by could probably see her shitty ass! She pulls the jeans down further and you can see a big pile of shit in the crotch of the jeans.
Daisy even shows you the shit that fell onto the ground as she took her pants off. How fucking embarrassing! Daisy gives you a long, super close up view of the filthy stain between her legs from all angles!
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