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  My Messy Little Pampers!

My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
CODE: VC-493
Price: US$7.45

 Running Time:   18:41 mins 

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As I sit in front of you I look as though I'm about to burst in to tears. You wonder what's the matter and why I'm sat there naked. I begin to tell you about my terrible day, all the time fighting back the tears. The horrible spoiled kid I'm being a nanny for had smashed an expensive vase, and I'd got the blame!

Getting more upset by the minute, I tell you how they use very strange punishments on me, and how I wouldn't put up with it if it weren't for the fact my wages pay all my college fees and I have a good amount left over afterwards. As punishment for the broken vase they had made me strip out of all my clothes, taken everything from my drawers and had locked me in my bedroom to think about how I can improve myself.

As I tell you this, I begin to wriggle around uncomfortably and you notice I keep reaching back and touching my butt. I've been in my room for hours and I really need to use the bathroom. I cross my legs and continue holding myself as I tell you this isn't the first time they've punished me in such a humiliating way.

I start to get more desperate. I really, really need to poop. I rock backwards and forwards holding my tummy. It's starting to hurt a lot now. I begin to cry as I feel it starting to force it's way out - I need to get out of my room, I need to get to the bathroom fast!

I shuffle over to my bedroom door, trying my hardest not to poop and begin to bang on the door, calling out for the parents to come, and begging them to unlock the door so that I can use the bathroom. I can feel I'm going to loose it any minute and shit all over the bedroom floor, and bang some more frantically! Still I'm ignored.

I come away, full on crying now, and tell you how I just can't hold it any more. Any second I'm going to pee and poop on the floor and they'll be so angry at me for messing up their expensive wooden flooring!

Suddenly I remember the baby diaper that I'd put in my bag when I took the to the park. Maybe I still have it! I begin to rummage through my bag and am so relieved when I see the diaper in there! Maybe if I could just get this on, I could pee and poop in it and then just put it in the garbage later ... everyone would just think it's just the diaper!

I get myself in to the cute little baby print diaper, and am so glad that it fits nicely. I can feel I'm about to loose control so I just let go. A HUGE stream of piss begins to hiss in to my diaper, I feel it pooling around my pussy and realize that I'm peeing way to hard for the diaper to be able to absorb quickly enough. The warm pee begins to leak from the leg bands of the diaper and begins streaming down my legs, making a puddle on the floor!

My bladder feels relieved but now the poopy is coming, and coming out fast - I start to worry that there wont be enough room in the diaper for it. I grunt and groan and then sigh with relief as I fill my diaper up with this big smelly load.

With my diaper full, and this warm poopy now spreading over my pussy, I begin to get turned on! I rub my hands over my bulging diaper and then sit down on the floor on top of it. Mmmmm I can feel it squishing all over my butt - It feels so good that I begin sliding my messy diapered bottom backwards and forwards along the floor, mushing the poopy in to every crease of the diaper.

You watch how disgusting my diaper is getting as I continue to play in it. Rubbing against my pussy is making it impossible for the mess to stay in my diaper! But I'm so horny - I love the fact that I'm a dirty little diaper girl covered in her own smelly poop just like a baby, and my pussy is throbbing with excitement! I grab my vibrator, thrust it down inside my filthy diaper and begin to fuck myself! 

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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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My Messy Little Pampers!
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