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  Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor

Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
CODE: VC-405
Price: US$9.95

 Running Time:   8:38 mins 

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Sofia and Danni are hanging out in Danni's room talking about what they'd been been doing last night. Sophia tells of her quiet night in, while Danni had got completely drunk at a wild party!

Sophia who had been needing to pee for quite a while, but comfy on the bed begins to get up to use the bathroom, but as she does so, Danni's eyes open wide and she tells Sophia that her tummy feels funny and makes a dash to the bathroom.

As she slams the bathroom door behind her, Sophia tells her to hurry, that she needs to use the bathroom too. The changing position had suddenly made the slightly uncomfortable feeling of needing to pee, in to rather a desperate one!

Danni calls that she'll just be a second and Sophia replies that she's dying here, as she holds her tummy and begins to bounce from one foot to the other. Sitting down on the bed Sophia begins to rock backwards and forwards trying to take the pressure off her bursting bladder.

"What are you doing in there??? I need to pee!!! Come on, its starting to hurt!" Sophia cries.

Sophia begins to pace the room pressing her hand tight between her legs to try and stop a flow from starting. She bounces up and down and crosses her legs tightly but nothing is helping!

"How about I pee all over your floor! I'll do it right here!" Sophia threatens.

Danni just casually answers through the bathroom door that she'll be cleaning it up herself if she does!

Sophia is on the verge of wetting herself at this point. She tells Danni that she can't take it any more and begins banging on the door, begging Danni to open it.

Doubled over and stamping her feet, Sophia doesn't know what to do with herself! Finally she can take no more and a huge stream of hot piss gushes in to her panties, flooding through them and streaming down to the floor like a waterfall!

Sophia is still pissing strongly when Danni comes out of the bathroom and looks at her with a face of complete shock!

The pee has soaked her white panties making them see through and the piss is streaming down both of her legs forming a HUGE puddle around her feet!

"OMG you're pissing yourself!" Danni exclaims!

"Oh yeah, Oh fuck yeah... and it feels so good!" is Sophia's response!

Sophia's bladder must definitely been at bursting point, as she's still going strong after telling Danni just how good it feels!

Danni tries to get around the pissy puddle without getting it over her feet, while Sophia is keen to carry on enjoying the fun and begins to splash her feet around in the big warm puddle!

Sophia then shows off her dripping wet panties and tells Danni how nice it felt to wet her pants!

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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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Desperate Sophia Pisses All Over Danni's Floor
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