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Without a doubt, this is Nikki's hottest, sexiest and cutest pants pooping movie to date!
I've done it again guys - I filled my new panties to the max, and got myself into a total mess! I've also decided I now have a new favourite pair of pooping panties, as these ones felt just so awesome to poop in. They felt really sexy even before I filled them, as they were all silky and hugged the curves of my bottom. And after I filled them, they held the bulge nicely between my legs, giving me that heaving panties feeling that I love so much. I love that feeling so much that when I was younger I used to fill my bikini bottoms with sand or mud at the beach! Blush!
The movie starts with me in the naughty corner, cos... well I'd been a bad girl again (not telling what!). I don't like being put in the naughty corner, so when I felt the need to poop, thought a great way to get revenge would be to do it in my panties. I'm not supposed to leave the naughty corner am I? So it wasn't my fault anyway, right?
I began by gently touching myself to get myself in the right mood, and then turned onto on my hands and knees to push. As I did so, a few little unexpected spurts of pee seeped through my panties and formed a small puddle on the carpet between my knees. And then I pushed harder and the poop just easily came out. Sometimes I love it when I have to do lots and lots of pushing, and other times I love it when the poop comes easily after just a few pushes, cos I can pretend it's a bit of an accident! And come the poop did - into the most beautifully formed poop bulge I think I've ever done! When I touched it with my hand, I couldn't believe how nice it felt, and then I got that wonderful heavy pants feeling that I love to much. Talk about get turned on!!
My pussy was already throbbing as I grabbed a towel and sat down firmly on the poop bulge, wriggling my bum backwards and forwards. The poop went everywhere, and I just had to get my hands into the mess, find my aching pussy and play with her. She loves it when I'm a dirty girl - she goes all puffy and wet and begs me to touch her! So touch her I did, until I had the best orgasm.
But then I knew I was in trouble, cos there was no way to hide what I'd done, so I sat there on my dirty mess and waited for the inevitable. The trouble came too, in the form of a very cross boyfriend who made me get the changing table so I could have my dirty pants changed and my bottom cleaned. Unless you've experienced it yourself, it's hard to describe just how it feels to lie there with your legs apart and have your bottom cleaned - it's a mixture of total humiliation mixed with the best kind of sexual arousal you can imagine. All that wiping of my bottom and between my legs was too much for me, and I begged to have another orgasm, this time courtesy of my boyfriend's fingers! It's even a turn on just writing about it now!
I hope you like this movies, cos I sure loved making it!