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  Dirty In The Dark

Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
CODE: VC-187


List price: US$19.95
Our price: US$9.95
You save: US$10.00(50%)

 Running Time:   20:00 mins 

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This is a very special movie, and for a very special reason! When I made it I didn't do it for anyone else except ME!

I wanted a movie that I could watch by myself while I masturbated my pussy, which I'm a bit embarrassed to say is quite often! Umm... at least a couple of times a day, and often loads more. Sometimes if my boyfriend is away I can spend half the afternoon in my room, all wet and dirty with my fingers between my legs! I start thinking about times I've been bad, and the next thing I know I'm on the bed with my hand in my pants again!

When I masturbate alone, there is something special I try to do. It's not easy with someone else there and especially not in front of the camera. What I try to do is cum at the exact moment that I fill my pants! I mean that final part when the main warm poopy mess bulges out into my panties. That is just the most awesome thing ever, and it's usually only something I can do by myself.

So I wanted to try and make a movie of me alone in my room in the semi darkness being dirty with myself, and achieving my goal of cumming when I filled my panties. With the camera there it took a couple of attempts, but I finally did it - even making a sexy squelchy noise when my panties filled up. I wanted the movie so I could watch it again later when I was really alone and playing with myself - thinking dirty, being dirty and watching dirty! lol

And that is exactly what I've done - loads of times now. Can you picture me there alone in my room on my hands and knees on the bed, TV set up on my dressing table beside me, watching myself cum and poop while I'm fingering my aching pussy. I can tell you that is about the ultimate pussy throbbing experience any dirty girl can have!

I've watched my special cum and poopy movie now over and over again, so I thought it was time to share it with all you dirty boys!

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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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Dirty In The Dark
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  Product reviews
Author: Anonymous     Date added: 26 January 2012, 10:20 AM     *****
  WOW big and bulgy just how i like it

Author: renopisser     Date added: 3 February 2012, 11:13 PM     *****
  Now this one is seriously unique, and unbelievably hot. It's definitely my new favorite Nikki movie, and maybe a contender for my favorite pantypoop movie of all time!

Author: GirlTurdEater     Date added: 13 February 2012, 08:21 AM     *****
  PERFECT Face down on bed. I will straddle your head and lower myself and my face between your OPEN slightly legs. You get BROWN food on your finger and FEED into my mouth. OH ! Nikki you are my ULTIMATE THING Girl Turd Eater

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