Bea has been feeling naughty all morning. So naughty that she hasn't even bothered getting dressed today and instead has made and eaten breakfast completely naked!
It's not long before Bea's thoughts turn to fun. Heading upstairs she goes to her bedroom and heads straight for her boyfriends drawers. What could be more fun than pissing in her own underwear? ... Pissing in his!!!!!
Pulling out three pairs of his boxer shorts, she puts them on, one on top of another, Bea is surprised at home comfy they feel and how snugly they wrap around her round bottom.
Opening her legs, you get the perfect camera angle to watch the first little damp spot appear on her crotch. Then turning around and poking her ass out at you giving you the opportunity to watch the warm pee spread across her bottom.
Its not long before piss is streaming down Bea's legs. She really does have the hugest bladder and manages to keep pissing in many different positions making a huge puddle on the floor.
Watch as Bea removes her boyfriends soaked boxer shorts, pair by pair and drops them in a soggy heap on the floor. She then puts each pair on individually to give them each one last wetting for luck!