Posted by Scooter on July 16, 2010 at 13:20 []
In Reply to: Re: Infantilism posted by Glad to help on July 16, 2010 at 10:10
Exactly, Glad to Help! Interesting how people want everyone to tolerate their fetish, but the fetish of others needs to be just the same as theirs, or the others are wrong, or even pervs!
I think a thumb sucking, docile girl in my arms as I bottle feed her is incredibly erotic and intimate. Often, that leads to sex. I find it interesting that some adult babies think the relationship should be sex-less, but that's their thing, I just think they are missing out. As a man who is attracted to ladies and who has natural hormones, I wouldn't want to become involved with anyone who didn't want or enjoy sex. But again, I don;t try to define the fetish, It's to each his or her own. I don't define; I just enjoy, when I can.