Adult Baby footed pajamas

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Posted by Jen on July 29, 2008 at 10:10 []

I know this is a long shot but I am wondering if anyone could help me track down some adult baby pyjamas that were listed on ebay up until a few weeks ago. There were tons of pairs of footed pjs on sale, but now there are none.

The pyjamas were cotton with very babyish designs (including 'sweety bear' 'little pilot', bugs bunny & Winnie-The-Pooh designs) available in all sizes and baby pastel colours, they were listed by 'shop-getquick.' I really really wanted a pair of these pjs, but had to wait until I got paid to buy them, and now they are no longer listed and the ebay shop has been deleted so I cannot email. Does anyone know of another place I might be able to purchase these very babyish pajamas, as they were definately the most babylike I have seen?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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