Re: Ha.

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Posted by Daddy on October 30, 2007 at 10:12 []

In Reply to: Ha. posted by Mr. Bear. on October 29, 2007 at 12:44

Mr. Bear huh? Get a life. You have no idea what your talking about. Tell you what, when you get a gf for once in your life, then maybe you will understand. Playing with yourself all the time is not healthy. Your just another sissy wishing he was a girl. Get lost. This isn't a board for sissy losers like yourself. Should be more like Sissy Bear. I am defending people from a stuck up ass full of herself woman who thinks she is perfect. Her post was nothing but a catch 22. Especially since she talks about things she has no idea about. Being lied too and lead is the worst thing ever. It happens all the time on the net. You think guys give daddies a bad name? Haha try all the insecure, manipulative, scared of commitment diaper girls online who will say whatever they can to keep you around. Your an idiot Bear.


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