Posted by Zorro on July 13, 2007 at 21:32 []
So I got to thinking the other day that there could be any number of things that I have a great passion about, but why do I love infantilism so much?
It’s a question I’ve never been able to answer. My of my blog entries on the internet have been valiant attempts to find that answer. To a degree, perhaps I have. In many of my entries, I state that my interest in infantilism can best be summed up with one sentence:
It’s about a girl in a diaper, and the guy who takes care of her.
I still believe that to be an accurate statement of truth. But that sentence is truly a summary.
A typical male attitude is “to be able to provide.” And I say these things as a caregiver, a “Daddy”, not as an adult baby. So what I say here probably doesn’t apply for male Abs.
As a “Daddy”, I get the greatest sense of worth and esteem from being able to provide an atmosphere and an experience where a girl can be free from so many things that she has to deal with on an everyday-basis.
As an AB or a DL, she can go back to a point in her life when everyone wanted to give her attention, just to see her laugh, to see her smile, to get a hug or a kiss from her, and to make her world the happiest place to be.
Nobody wanted anything from her. She didn’t have to live up to any standard of how she dressed, how she took care of herself, how she walked, how she spoke, how she was to be have …
A time when all she wanted was a strong pair of arms to hold her as she drifted off to sleep. When all she needed was to know she was safe, and to know that she was loved.
In many ways, the feelings and emotions that an infant/toddler girl experiences are things that she would probably always like to feel.
And it gives me such a great feeling to know that I do that for her.
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