I've been in the same boat and have tried the same things you have plus a few more (dandelion, sleeping pills, diuretics, etc.... I did force myself to wet uncontrollably by drinking a lot of beer and water one night. The downside- huge hangover. It was horrible. The wet bed was great, though. I drank like 10 beers pretty guickly. Worked, but I imagine we can assume that such drastic measure isnt worth it. Ruining the next day by vomiting isn't worth it.
I have tinkered with artificially wetting my bed too. You can fill a large bottle with water and have a small tube doing into your diaper. You can lightly attachit to your "little buddy" down there. You can clamp the tube with lock pliers. When you release the clamp, it floods your pants / bed. I am trying to think of method that would make it unclamp itself after awhile (while I'm asleep) Ideas include not using lock pliers so that I have to hold the pliers. Naturally, when I fall asleep I will turn or relax my grip. Wetting would start then.
Also, I tried putting a water soluable pill at the end of the tip with no pliers. This idea has some merit. Over time, the pill disolves, and wetness is released into your bed / diapers. I only tried this with half a shell of the pill. The delay was about 20 seconds. Good but not good enough.
The other idea I have is to put a dish cleaning glove on your hand, fill it 3/4 with water, then seal it with duct tape. Fasten the heating pat around the golve and your wet hand, set it on a timer. After 3 hrs, the heating pad (waterproof) turns on, warming the water in your glove (SEAL THE GLOVE!) I havent been able to fall asleep with this contraption, but it may work. Does anyone know if the warm water / hand trick works if you are awake when you put it on? Does it require the surprise of going from dry hand to wet hand?
I encourage those who are interested to post the results of the experimentation. We may just come up with something!