Posted by DR on August 02, 2005 at 11:26 []
In Reply to: Re: Please note the *Sarcasm* posted by Baby Val on August 02, 2005 at 07:33
I understood you Val. I know you weren't pointing the finger at anyone in particular. 'Sall good.
I hear what you're saying, but I still think that having adults into diapers in mixed company with minors into diapers is a risk too great. I simply would not trust that the conversation would remain non-sexual.
But my question is this -- why would adults have to interact with *those particular* minors? Why, because they share an interest in their underwear? Well frankly, I don't think adults and minors should be discussing their underwear in any context other than those who *must* speak as such (doctor to patient, Fruit of the Loom designer to product tester, parent to child).
And I'll make this point again -- when a doctor or parent speaks to a minor about his/her underwear, its solely for the minor's benefit. But when adult diaper folk speak with minors about diapers, its in some part (or some large part) for the adult's benefit -- which is why its immoral IMO.
So I'll ask again, why would adults have to interact with *those particular* minors? If an adult really wants to help youngsters, then s/he should go volunteer as a big brother/big sister or volunteer at the YMCA, YWCA, or at UNICEF, or at an orphanage, or through some other charity designed to help young people. There's a lot of need out there. I simply don't see why any adult should choose to discuss a Harry Potter book with a minor simply because that minor shares a similar appreciation for diapers. Find an adult who likes Harry Potter, or talk with some kid at the orphanage about Harry Potter.
Here's the litmus test -- if you're talking with a teen baby online, are his/her parents/guardians fully aware of who you are, fully aware of your conversations with that minor?
Suppose now I tell you that the parent would have full knowledge and understanding of you, your diaper desires, where you live, your background, your intentions, and complete access to everything you chat about with this minor. Would the parent consent to your conversations? Would the parents feel comfortable with you?
If not, which is 99.9999999999% of all such cases, then you shouldn't be talking with that minor. Period.