Posted by Victoriah Nichole Little on August 03, 2005 at 07:52 []
In Reply to: Re: Sorry Val -- but you're really sad posted by DR on August 02, 2005 at 16:28
Interesting, DR. So do you normally cut of discussion with everyone you can't get to agree with you? I assume that would be a very lonely life.
There are plenty of discussions an adult can have with a minor, even those concerning diapers, that have nothing to do with sex. Even if the discussion were about sex, it still isn't necesarrily be wrong.
In my profession I am sometimes approached by minors who wish to talk about situations in their lives. These may include sexual situations for which they would want advice. They feel they are unable to go to their parents for advice (how many times did YOU go to YOUR parents for advice on sexual matters when you were a teenager?) I counsel as part of my profession (yet I am not a professional counselor - which means only that I can not charge for counselling or advertise myself as one).
What makes it wrong is when you and the minor begin to discuss a sexual relationship with each other. If the discussion were to turn to what you seually want to do with each other, it has gone too far.