Posted by Noel on July 03, 2005 at 04:31 []
Thomas the tank engine is a pretty popular childrens program so I'm sure people will know what I'm talking about so I dont have to explain the premise of the show, so I'll skip straight to my point.
Has anyone ever noticed the racial overtones in that program? I don't watch it very often but sometimes I do if I can't find a good documentary or program concerning corpses. Anyway last night was the first time I saw a character named Toby in the program. He's a boxey looking engine who is brown in color. BROWN! ok before people start claiming that im reading too much into it; It says right in the closing theme song about how Toby is Brown and mentions his slow, dopey demeanor and then connects it with the color brown. Secondly the impression I got was that whenever there is a dirty job like hauling coal or something Toby is the one that does it. Lastly Toby is different in shape, so that he stands out from all the other trains. It's weird, it just seems a little racist to me. Has anyone ever noticed this too?