Posted by WingZ on October 01, 2004 at 07:46 []
In Reply to: Re: Wot Is Luv? posted by The Voice Of Reason on October 01, 2004 at 03:10
"Yeah a lot of love songs are fake and corporate, but just cos lots of people wear fake gold doesn't mean REAL gold doesn't exist!"
And if I carve a statue of a unicorn or a dragon, do they exist too?
"Surely the optimum marriage is between two people who share roughly the same definition of love."
No, I disagree. The optimum marriage is between two people who can tolerate each other best.
"Love also involves sticking around to make it work, and not giving up when the going gets tough"
Here, you equate love to stupidity. What you describe is entirely irrational. Irrationality wouldn't be a factor if love were merely an emotional impulse (as emotions are never rational), but since you believe it to be something more than that (ie: a state of being), the rules of logic must apply. What you described is illogical and defeatist.
"The pleasing physical sensation of sticking a dick inside a pussy is outweighed by the unpleasing emotional/mental sensation of not feeling loved by the woman."
How would you know? Have you ever even tried fucking a woman you didn't 'love'? If not, then who's to say its as bad as you describe.
"Love as like a radio frequency. Every conversation you have with anyone happens on a certain wavelength, love occurs when the frequency resonates at a specific pitch. If I meet a woman who resonates on the same emotional frequency as me then I'd call that love."
That's too ridiculous for me to even touch upon.
" However, loving myself means to me forgiving myself, standing up for myself, not giving up on myself and living with my DL side. Loving myself also means being tough and hard on myself sometimes, not giving myself fake praise when it's undeserved."
Do not confuse love with self-respect. Self-respect is vital to any one person's existence. It is the knowledge that all things, good or bad, are secondary to the fact that you must be alive to experience them. Thus, keeping one's self alive becomes a prime motivation. "Love" has absolutely nothing to do with that.
"I'm not lonely, I'm not bored, I do get horny from time to time sure but I can always take care of that myself. I get my self-worth through my work and art. I don't need a woman for any of that. The only thing I need from a woman is something that roughly corresponds to my definition of LOVE."'re more of a misanthrope than I am. Let me get this straught: you don't care what else, good or bad, a woman has to offer inasmuch as they fulfill your desire for love? That's quite twisted, not to mention short-sighted in the extreme.