Where's The Spirituality In All This?

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Posted by The Voice Of Reason on September 30, 2004 at 04:35 []

In Reply to: Re: 10 Good Reasons To Email Me posted by L.E. on September 29, 2004 at 07:44

I respect the degree of knowledge and research that's on display here, I think it's good to have a deeper debate once in a while especially if it's backed up with sources. Clearly you have all done your homework.

But I don't see any evidence of spirituality in many of these posts, I just see good feats of memory. Congratulations, you can repeat facts you learnt in academic books. I genuinely think that's commendable and I'm not criticising it. However, in entering into a debate about relligionz (will that beat the censor?) surely one must adopt a less combative, "I am right, you are wrong" tone, and a more loving, inclusive tone.

What you need to do is explain, in language we can all understand, just why you believe in the particular things you do and how this belief enables you to lead a better life. Spirituality as it applies to real life, rather than just raw, pure theory.

Again, I'm not knocking anyone's knowledge or beliefs, I'm just not convinced that simply knowing the facts equates to living a genuinely spiritual existence. Wasn't that Jesus's beef with the Pharisees, that they talked the talk but didn't walk the walk?!

But I'm glad I've sparked some kind of mass debate here, and I'm glad that there are people here who have convictions and are not scared of expressing them.

Email: animal6774@yahoo.co.uk

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