Posted by oznl (in a blue Monday) on September 12, 2004 at 18:24 []
In Reply to: the woman disease posted by Kimmie on September 12, 2004 at 14:00
I think the problem relates to the different primal motivators between men and women.
Alwayswet has already had a good hack at the outer veneer of our humanity but I’ll go one step further and rip it off and cast it decomposing to one side exposing the animal within.
OZNL’s guide to gender relations:
(opensource edition)
1. Men want to kill things, eat them and screw (not necessarily in that order).
2. Women want babies and men to provide for them (in that order).
3. Everything else is ephemeral (even TV remotes).
Just try to transpose those wants across to the internet and watch what happens.
A whole bunch of guys approaching sexuality related resources on the internet and using them as a tool for sexual gratification (the internet can neither be shot nor eaten).
Another bunch of guys utilizing sexuality related resources on the internet to try to find something they could subsequently screw.
The vast majority of girls intuitively recognising that this testosterone fuelled feeding frenzy would not serve objective #2 and therefore staying well clear of it
A very small minority of misfits and outsiders who watch from the sidelines (umm, that would be some of us).
Naturally these are gross generalizations. They do not apply to ALL men or ALL women but once you get a big enough mob, patterns emerge.
I always feel nihilistic on Mondays. I think I’ll try Kimmie’s trick and borrow some solace from teenage angst:
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey the wonder hamster.
He doesn't bite.
He doesn't squeal.
He just runs around on his hamster wheel!
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey the wonder hamster.
Hey Harvey!!
Harvey the wonder hamster: Wierd Al Yankovic
Nope… That didn’t fix it. I must have gotten it wrong. Back to Nietzsche I guess.