Your place on a fine morning. You await me fully clothed in your bathtub or on the floor. As I watch you caress yourself, growing ever more excited. Then I can only stare in amazement as you lift your ass off the surface, and with a slight expression of straining on your face, I see a bulge in your clothes forming and grow larger underneath your ass. You are totally turned on now, and are experiencing a series of small orgasms as you massage your load all over. Only now you may remove your clothes and await my gift. I push, and you are rewarded by my glorious brown load, all over your midsection and breasts. But before you are allowed to really satisfy yourself, you are made to lick my asshole clean. Now it is your time to achieve your full satisfaction while I masturbate. We come together, my jism joining the brown load all over your body.
If anyone is interested in trying out this fantasy, contact me. I am interested in females and tvs.