Leaving party

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Posted by Nikki on February 01, 2010 at 13:31 []

Me and Paul have held quite a few successful and super fun party's over the last year or so, and this one is to be our last, well in the UK anyway *ever sad!* :o(

I'm going to be moving to Sydney in March to live with Paul, so we want to throw one last party here! Its gonna be awesome and the best party yet, so I hope lots of people that haven't been to one of our party's before will come, as well as our regular guests of course!

Our party's are always very relaxed and there is nothing expected of anyone. You can come and join in the play or you can just have a drink and chat.

The Party will be in Brighton on Feb 20th. Mommies, Daddy's, girls and boys all welcome.

Email me if your interested :o)

Email: nikkigurl@hotmail.co.uk

Email: nikkigurl@hotmail.co.uk

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